by Michael Allan
(845) 554-6005

Experience real change! Bring mind, body, and spirit into harmony in order to heal and enjoy the life of your dreams.


Harness subconscious power to quit smoking, lose weight, improve sports performance, conquer eating disorders…


Achieve more clarity and reach goals faster and easier, from business performance and sales quotas to management and HR.


Need help for yourself or a loved one? Act now to break the pattern and stop abuse in its tracks for a healthy, happy life.



I believe we are born with all the answers. Our job here on Earth is not to simply learn but rather unlock the knowledge we have. Everything can be found within. Yet it must be our free  will choice to take on the arduous task of reawakening through self realization. Releasing ourselves from fear, greed, power and ego are the first steps in this process. In hindsight we can see that any decision made from these basic instincts has surely led us astray. Creating more hurdles and road blocks to our life’s path. Perhaps the reason for the loss of a job or loved one, self confidence, respect, health, happiness or even our future.

My primary goal is to serve mankind by providing light, healing, and most importantly balance to the people and organizations in the world reawakening to their true mission and purpose.
       — by Michael Allan, NGH-Certified Hypnotherapist, Minister, Whistle-Blower & Do-Gooder

 E X P E R T I S E 

By uniting mind, body, and soul fully through the modalities of intuitive guidance, hypnotherapy, and spiritual energy healing HumanKind Therapy guides you in eliminating the amnesia inherent from birth—opening the door to possibilities never imagined. Embracing and merging science with the metaphysical catapults your higher self and potential to its fullest capabilities. Allowing you to enjoy a very rewarding, peaceful, and evolved life!


I began my studies in Eastern medicine, spiritual healing and holistic therapies led by powerful Shaman from many Indigenous cultures. Understanding the correlation between compromised mental and physical health and a person’s longstanding guilt, resentment, anger, or fear is key to recovery. Healing starts with self love, self acceptance and self worth. These are often the core problems, whether it’s addiction, eating disorders, anxiety or spiritual issues. With gentle guidance, we empower, reprogram and conquer negative or destructive thought patterns and heal from physical and emotional pain as well as cure any false belief systems and destructive behaviors.


Transformational metaphysical healing combined with delicate meditative hypnotherapy treatment solidifies all the help and support received from structured rehab programs or psychotherapy for a truly complete awakening of the mind and spirit to occur. Merging formal behavioral training with subconscious reprogamming as a Certified Hypnotherapist (through the National Guild of Hypnotists) along with spiritual counseling provides continued support for healing and growth. Intentionally creating new thought patterns and suggestions ignites a positive shift, removing blocks and guiding you on an enlightened path—reconnecting to your best self.


I’ve always held a great desire to make a difference, being consistently drawn to careers that help facilitate change for others. My experience covers a wide range of areas from law enforcement and corporate sectors, to volunteer work and one-on-one mentoring. This led to an inner knowing to serve humanity, first in the field of social work and then the Department of Justice. I focused on intelligence and investigative work, receiving extensive training in behavioral science and gaining a better understanding of human behavior. Specialities in interviewing, probing, and persuasion facilitates the uncovering of root causes of serious issues and dilemmas often buried within individuals or situations.


My greatest passion is helping people, especially adolescents, break through their struggles of addiction, self injury, self esteem, eating disorders and more. Experience has taught me the absolute necessity for a mentor or life coach to be placed in an individual’s life during and after structured rehabilitative treatment. Without such one-on-one guidance to overcome harmful thoughts and release negative energy, relapse to past destructive behaviors is likely. Changing from a structured clinical therapy setting back to one’s original school, lifestyle, and friends can be too challenging. Alone, this stress can be overwhelming and needs to be monitored with constructive guidance and support for permanent results.


Chakras Cleared


Businesses Improved


I have been a rehabilitative therapist for 14 years. However, I felt I was having blocks that were inhibiting me to create the life I wanted and dreamed of. A colleague recommended Michael. He helped me realize my amazing potential and unlock layers of barriers. Almost instantly my business and personal life started flourishing dramatically. I went from having very difficult financial issues to moving into a beautiful condominium overlooking the New York skyline, started an international business with sports athletes and found the women of my dreams!! Working with Michael on a regular basis brought me hope, peace and balance in my life. I am now meditating 1-3 times a day and I feel great!

Andrew, NYC

Neurological & Nutritional Rehab Therapist

Financially, over the last 6 years our family business has been lucky to break even and we’ve been contemplating selling the business. Since working with Michael he has helped all of us understand that what we put out in the universe is what we receive (Law of Attraction). We have changed our lives and perspective around completely and are now a cohesive unit and enjoy coming to work. Since his guidance we have received multi-million dollar contracts and our profit margin has never been this high. We thank Michael for saving our business and family. He cares deeply for the work he does and puts his whole heart into helping. We trust him unconditionally and consider him one of the family.

Fran, Los Angeles

Jewelry Fabricator & Designer

After one session with Michael our daughter stopped hearing voices. She looked so light and free just like her old self. My husband and I decided let’s put the hospital on hold as she no longer appeared to be in danger. The next week we took her to see her psychiatrist. We didn’t discuss the energy work Michael had done and the Dr. was blown away at how calm and peaceful our daughter was since the last visit. She said it was like looking at a completely different person. In a short period of time having sessions with Michael our daughter was down from 5 different medications to one. Within months she was back at her high school and back on the cheer squad. We are so eternally grateful!

Maria, New Jersey

Misdiagnosed Schizophrenic Adolescent

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The Human Vibe Blog

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Find out more or schedule a session with Michael Allan. Sessions available by phone or in person, whatever works best for you and your budget.