by Michael Allan
(845) 554-6005

Hypnotherapy Solutions

Certified Hypnotherapist (National Guild of Hypnotists)
We all have times when we know what needs to be done. We truly want to do it. Maybe we’ve tried everything! But we still just can’t… Get over. That. Hurdle. Hypnosis is a gentle but powerful tool that can help overcome unwanted behaviors and release limited belief systems. By accessing the subconscious mind and imagination, we embed suggestions and intentionally create new, positive thought patterns. Opening a window to your mind, and a gateway to permanent change.

Sometimes the issues that are blocking our success are deep inside our subconscious. Our memories, experiences, feelings, our emotions. Hypnotherapy assists you in overcoming obstacles while greatly improving your life and relationships. In a hypnotic state we unlock the subconscious mind and reprogram thoughts and actions through guided imagery and positive empowering affirmations. That make for new, better behaviors.

• Stop smoking, drinking, opiate and other addictions
• Eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, body dysmorphia
• Lose weight and love living healthy – by ending emotional eating!
• Increase or recover sports performance and mind set
• Improve love and relationships, recover from break-ups
• Reduce anger, anxiety, fears, PTSD , insomnia
• Decrease and manage chronic pain 
• Diminish OCD and hoarding behaviors

• Build confidence and release insecurities
• Conquer phobias – like fear of flying, heights, tight spaces, etc.
• Improve public speaking – removing performance anxiety professional blocks
• Manage stress, hypertension and achieve balanced
• Recover and gain from life transitions – divorce, death, disease, trauma, etc.
• Build success motivation and decrease procrastination
• Drop bad habits and undesirable behaviors 
• Get over sexual performance anxiety 
• Stop hair pulling/twirling – trichitillomania
• Overcome unconscious patterns and obstacles with past life/age regression

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